
Privacy and cookies

How cookies are used

A cookie is a short text that sent to your browser from a website. It allows the website to store information concerning your visit of the website such as your preferred language used and many other settings, and to reuse such information at each occurrence or during the next access to the website. This will make your next visit easier increasing the usefulness of the website, all to your advantage. Cookies in modern websites play an important, if not crucial, role. Without them, use of the Web would be a much less compelling experience.

The operating modes and the options to restrict or block cookies can be implemented by changing the settings on your internet browser. By visiting the website, available in English, you will find information on how to manage/delete cookies based on the type of browser used.

Please note that if you block cookies the proper functioning of the website will not be guaranteed.

Which cookies does use?

Our website uses two types of cookies; cookies that are strictly necessary and cookies that are useful to profile site visitors which therefore allows adapting the contents and the way they are presented to the public over time.

Strictly necessary cookies

Session technical cookies

Cookie Name Expiry Description
_icl_current_language 1 day Used by the system to recall chosen language and all selections made on the website

Other cookies

Third party cookies for statistical purposes

Our website makes use of third party collecting and statistical analysis services. The cookies used are as follows:

Cookie Name Expiry
__utma 2 years from its creating/updating
__utmc End of the browser session
__utmz 6 months from its creating/updating
_ga 2 years from its creating/updating

These cookies do not collect sensitive data as they are clustered and used only for statistical purposes.

To download the complete document on privacy, click here.

For more information visit the website with the cookie policy of google analytics at